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Ranking Monitor

Ranking Monitor Overview

The overview page contains the most important information about your rankings. The boxes show the most important data about your rankings on a particular search engine. You can see at a glance if your rankings have improved.

For every ranking, there are points. First place rankings get the most points, position 50 gives only one point, no ranking gives no points. A visibility score of 100% means that you have first place rankings on all three search engines for all of your keywords.

Keyword Table

The keyword table shows the keyword for which your website is listed, the position of your site on Google, Google Mobile, Yahoo and Bing for that keyword and the ranking change compared to the previous ranking. You also get the number of monthly local searches for the keywords.

The difficulty column indicates how competitive the keyword is. The higher the number, the more competitive it is.

N/A means that metric is not available for the keyword.

Keyword Details

The ranking progression chart shows the position of your website for the keyword since we started to monitor the position of your website for that keyword.

The statistics show the best and the worst position of your website for that keyword and the average position.

Mobile version: Enabled