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Link Profiler

Link Profiler Summary

The backlinks that point to your website belong to the most important ranking signals in the algorithms of Google and Bing/Yahoo. It is not possible to get high rankings on these search engines without good links.

Google will only list your website in their search results if they find at least one other website that links to your site.

Harmful Links Report

Google penalizes websites that have many unnatural links. The higher the risk percentage, the more likely it is that the link has a negative influence on the Google rankings of your site.

Anchor Text Report

The text that is used to link to your site (the “anchor text”) influences the words for which your website will get high rankings. The anchor texts in the links to your website should vary, but they should contain the keywords for which you want to get high rankings.

Link Industries Report

The linking websites are categorized by industry. For example, if your website is in the travel industry, it is usually advisable to have backlinks from other travel websites.

LIS Distribution Report

The LIS (Link Influence Score) is a trust value that shows the influence of a linking page on the search engine rankings of the linked web page. A link from a website with a high LIS has a higher influence on the rankings of a website than a link from a website with a low LIS.

The LIS is calculated based on the quality and the quantity of the websites that link to a website. The LIS ranges from 0% (small influence on the rankings) to 100% (very high influence on the rankings of the linked pages). It is normal that the majority of backlinks comes from pages with a low LIS.

How to judge the quality of your links

It’s not enough that many other websites link to your site. The quality of the links is also important. 20 good backlinks are better than 100 low-quality links.

The link uses one of your keywords in the anchor text

If you want to get high rankings for the search term “buy brown shoes,” it helps a lot if the links to your website contain these words. The text that is used to link to your site (the “anchor text”) influences the words for which your website will get high rankings.

The anchor texts in the links to your website should vary, but they should contain the keywords for which you want to get high rankings.

The link should come from a relevant page

Links from related web pages usually work better than links from unrelated pages. Links from unrelated pages won’t hurt your rankings, but Google likes links from websites that are related to yours better.

A related page is a web page that has loosely to do with the topic of your website. If you have reason to believe that the visitors of the web page might be interested in what you have to offer, then the other page is a related web page.

The link should go to a relevant page on your site

It’s okay to get links to your home page. It’s better to get links to the page that is most relevant to the linked anchor text. If the anchor text is “buy brown shoes,” then you should make sure that the link goes to a page that deals with brown shoes.

If the link text matches the content of the linked pages then it’s more likely that your web page is really relevant to that term and it’s more likely that you’ll get high rankings for that search term.

Linking to the right page also increases the user experience. If a visitor clicks on a “buy brown shoes” link, it’s much more likely that he’ll buy on your site if he gets the correct page.

It’s good if the link is from an authority site

Links from pages with high authority will help to increase the Google rankings of your website. The Link Influence Score (LIS) helps you to judge the authority score of a website.

The link should not have a nofollow attribute

The nofollow attribute tells search engines that they should not follow a link. Links with that attribute don’t help your search engine rankings.

The link uses the nofollow attribute

Links that contain the nofollow attribute might help you to get direct traffic from the website with the link, but they are useless for your search engine rankings. The nofollow attribute is a HTML attribute that has been introduced by Google, Yahoo and Bing.

It allows webmasters to mark links that should not be followed by search engine robots. If Google finds a link with the rel=”nofollow” attribute, Google will not use the link as a positive signal for the linked page.

The link is from an automated linking scheme

Automated linking schemes usually promise hundreds of links in a very short time with very little work. As these linking schemes have been created for the sole purpose of cheating search engines, search engines don’t like them at all.

All major search engines have employees who actively seek for these linking schemes. Search engines know all linking schemes and links from these schemes don’t have a positive effect on your search engine rankings. Worse than that, many search engines will ban your website if you link to a linking scheme website, because they consider it spam.

Avoid these automated linking systems at all costs. Use common sense: If you can find the automated system, search engines can also find it.

The link doesn’t go directly to your website

Some websites do not link directly to your website. They link to a page on their own website that redirects to your website, for example, “//www.example.com/redirect.php?3152.”

You might get direct traffic through these links, but they won’t help your search engine rankings.

The link cannot be parsed by search engine spiders

Search engine spiders are very simple programs. If the link to your website cannot be found easily, chances are that the spiders will ignore the link to your site. Most search engine spiders have difficulty with links in JavaScript code. If the link to your website is hidden with a scripting language, search engine spiders won’t parse it.

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